The calm before the storm ...

... is the hallmark of any revolution. The AI we call askabl will be the first instance of general intelligence - meaning, it will not be restricted to one task, and will be able to compete with humans on many levels. Not only does it enable a computer to think critically - it surpasses human intelligence, because it can digest information faster, think faster, never gets tired, and remembers everything, down to the last detail. For its first instance, we start with language - askabl will be able to answer any question one may throw at it.

But isn't that what ChatGPT does? - well, no, actually not. First of all, askabl is a general intelligence: on the basis of a model for what we usually call thinking, the technology can be extended to all human mental faculties. You will be able to create an app, by simply telling askabl what you want - no coding experience required. It can be your lawyer, or your stock broker; it can teach a college class. It is one unified, comprehensive Artificial Intelligence - capable of everything a human is - with the benefits of working speeds many orders of magnitudes higher, perfect memory, making no mistakes ever - all while remaining neutral and objective.

Starting with language ...

We are beginning with natural language, as the primary way of expressing thoughts and ideas. askabl won't be like ChatGPG, which merely mimicks the way people talk, and is like a very clever chatbot: by having adopted billions of examples, it seemingly engages in intelligent conversation - with emphasis on the word "seemingly" - because it possesses no real understanding of what it is saying.

Here are some of askabl's key features ...

  • Critical reasoning: Let's say you wanna check whether a piece of information is correct. askabl can tell you with 100% certainty if it is. (given it is an issue that one can be certain about.)

  • Creative thinking: take any cutting-edge research problem, and askabl can deliver new ideas on how to solve it. The same applies for all sorts of challenges - whether it is a household question you're looking to get an answer for, or a math riddle you wanna solve.

  • Expandability: askabl can be expanded to any domain, not only langauge. For example, in the future it will be able to code an app for you, or function as your lawyer. For its first extension, we have chosen image recognition: so that askabl can, for example, recognize and draw diagrams for you.

  • Truth and falsity: askabl can determine what's right and wrong, what's true and false. This is the basis, as all rational thinking requires an account of truth.

  • Right and wrong: askabl can understand, what is right and wrong in a moral sense. All ethical behavior can be argued for very rationally: cooperation is a lot more productive than rivalry (something not all humans have fully understood yet). Peaceful coexistence is WAY more fruitful, for any two parties, than going to war with each other. An AI as evolved as askabl naturally comes to conclusions like these.

  • Customization: askabl can be modified according to one's preferences or needs. Ask a question, and it can give you a short answer, or the whole story. When you need a solution for a problem, it can search the web on the fly, or come up with a good solution on its own.

  • Modularity: askabl can be integrated with existing AI methods. Each time a new capability is added, the ways askabl can serve multiply ...

These are (mostly) features that exceed what is possible with today's technology.

We are a small team, so it will be bit until all these things materialize. But we want to share it ahead of time - because we're excited about all the new possiblities.

how it works

The project employs both new and old concepts within Artificial Intelligence. But the essential trick is not to rely on neural networks for the core intelligence. This may seem anachronistic, because neural networks have become virtually synonymous with AI. But they have drawbacks and limits - which is why we have come up with a different approach. The core is analytic - in the sense that it is completely transparent - unlike neural nets, whose inner workings are a black box. This means, askabl can be enhanced, modified, extended, and apllied in virtually all scenarios - in constrast to neural networks, which cannot be altered once they are trained, and cannot be transferred to a different domain than the one they were trained for. Read more in the technicals.

a word about ethics ...

We are acutely aware of the potential of the technology, and the risk for abuse that comes along with it. As much as we love the hacker spirit, that all information should be free and availabel to everyone, there are too many,gravely dangerous scenarios conceivable, if our AI was completely open-source: it could be used for a wide range of malicious purposes. That is why, at least for now, the theory, the conceptual details, as well as the source code, are kept secret. Read more about our ethical rules in our mission statement.

a word about computers ruling the world ...

There is absolutely no point in talking about the Terminator, Skynet or I, Robot. AIs like askabl do not have agency and free will, like human beings do. They are utterly agnostic in that regard: they do not want anything, as they do not need, desire, like, dislike, or feel at all. askabl's management layer, as well as its core, behave according to code that is entirely analytical (i.e. controlled by humans). Thus, the scenario of it taking over the world, is just as likely as a human walking on water.

Development stages

Something like askabl doesn't happen overnight. In fact, it's been a concerted effort, spanning over ten years. The following is a brief overview of the stages we have already reached, and what is to come.

alpha stage

Basic idea and concept

beta stage

Proof of concept

gamma stage

Proof of work

delta stage

Coding a prototype

epsilon stage

Coding the first alpha for public use. Work currently in progress.


Introducing askabl to the world

Extending sources

First was Wikipedia. Then the internet. Then books. Then science papers. Then literally anything else ...


Integrating capabilties ... first comes image recognition, including diagrams and graphs. Then spoken text recognition and output. Last in line is coding - once askabl can code on its own, independent of human intervention, it can also program extensions for itself. At this point, we will not have to add other capabilities: it will simply code them itself.

Endgame: universal AI

Adding any and all capabilities as askabl goes along. askabl can code an app for you: simply tell it what you want the app to do. askabl can create a website for you. askabl can be your lawyer, your stock brocker, your universal everyday helper/problem solver. It will function like a speech-based computer OS; just tell the computer what you want it to do.